Friday, March 19, 2010

Scheduling Countdowns!

by Marianne Burkett

So, you’ve decided to do a daily Countdown or perhaps a larger scale “Top 100” Countdown this weekend. In MusicMaster – whether it’s top 5 or 500 songs – you can automatically generate that Song List with the History Browser!

Dataset/Analysis/History Browser. Select your frame of time and which Music Categories you’d like included in the countdown. Set up the Details tab with “Individual Songs”. Go down the list and pick your number and press okay.

Doing this will Open the Browser Report in order of Rank & Spins. Save as List

This will create a new Song List.

After you’ve created your Song List, right click on the song list and open the song list editor to make whatever tweaks you’d like to the list, like Reversing the Order so the number 1 song is at the end of the countdown.

Then, in your clocks – you’ll be using Element Type “Saved List”. Plug the List directly into the clocks (be sure to begin with “First”). Typically you’d have 2 clocks: the start of the countdown clock and then the continuation clock, which would begin with Saved List “Next”.

Plug those clocks into the assignment grid and you are done. Run the Automatic Scheduler. The list lays down first without looking at rules and then the rest of your music and non-music will schedule around it.

Happy Scheduling!

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