Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Quick reminder about generating Special History Reports in MusicMaster

By Aaron Taylor

Remember if you are setting up to run a BMI report (or many other special history reports for that matter) for the first time, it is CRITICAL that you point the Artist Name and Song Title fields in the report template to the fields in your database that contain this data.  Otherwise, you will generate a completely blank report.

To generate the report, go to Dataset - Analysis - Special History Reports and select the BMI/ASCAP report from the drop down REPORT TYPE list.  Set the date range you need to report for and also the categories you want included.

Then click on the OPTIONS tab, and on the Song Fields sub section click into the blank section to the right of the Artist Name and Song Title fields.  Typically, you would point these (use the drop down arrow in the corner of each field) to point to the Artist and Title fields respectively.   Then go back to the Report Setup tab and select PRINT.

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